Extraneous CSS Cleanup

Occasionally I need to spend time investigating an installation to determine: “What code is still needed?”
Sometimes I’m working with a lean code base that powers a small 5-page installation. Those projects are easy because spending a few seconds manually checking the resulting website is enough to conclude whether some CSS definitions can be safely discarded after removing them.
Other times I’m pouring over a behemoth website wielding 4500+ pages – any of which could be using some of the CSS definitions I’m hoping to prune.
Today, we’ll talk about the other times.
The Goal: Remove Unused Code
The Backstory
This WordPress theme had 200+ PHP files, there was one massive CSS file weighing in at over 600KB (yikes!), and 30 JavaScript files. Even though the WordPress database housed thousands of posts across a dozen post types, I suspected much of this was code bloat.
Note: I upgraded this WordPress installation for a more robust dev experience. The improved installation leans on Webpack. But that’s another post for another day.
The Specs Every project is different, but for this particular undertaking I was working with:
WordPress Custom theme (not a child theme) git version control Linux production + staging servers (CentOS) Windows local machine BlackWidow Shareware website scanner (wget is a viable Linux alternative) Step 1: Clone Production to Staging For the first step, I cloned the production website to staging (database and files). This ensured I was referencing the latest content and settings. I have a handy pull script that I use for such tasks.
Step 2: Download Staging After production was pulled/synced to staging, I ran the BlackWidow website scanner to scrape and follow internal staging links.
The purpose of this is to pull as much of the site’s resulting HTML as possible to a local folder. Then its text can be scanned using grep (Linux or Mac) or Select-String (Windows Powershell). For this project, I used Select-String on a Windows machine.
Important: If you’re scraping a large site, do not scrape production directly! If the site is behind Cloudflare or other security firewall, you may trigger DDoS protection if you don’t throttle your scraping utility.
Step 3: Get to the Git Repo Next, I SSH’d into staging and navigated to the custom theme folder. This folder is a git repo, so I had the benefit of being able to use git grep to search strings within the repo.
Step 4: De-clutter! It’s time to get into it! For the bulk of this project, I combed through the CSS files to remove as many unused CSS rules as possible.
I’d start by targeting groups of entries. We’ll use this one for example:
div.info-box {
padding: 0 32px 22px 32px;
margin: 48px 0;
position: relative;
display: table;
div.info-box.left {
border-left: 4px solid #ff2900;
border-bottom: 4px solid #ff2900;
div.info-box .dot {
width: 14px;
height: 14px;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: #ff2900;
position: absolute;
If class .info-box is not used in any HTML output, then it’s safe to say that .info-box .dot and .info-box.left etc. could also be purged from our CSS. Because, if there is no .info-box class in any HTML content, the cascading selectors downstream would never be referenced.
I ran git grep on the repo to see if the string info-box appears anywhere in the entire site:
$ git grep -ln 'info-box'
It only seems to appear in my stylesheets! This is good news. If it appeared in PHP template files or JavaScript, I’d have a bit more sleuthing to do to determine if those class rules were needed. But for simplicity’s sake, we won’t go down that rabbit hole now.
Next, in order to be more certain that this CSS class doesn’t appear within the website, I ran a Select-String on the downloaded HTML (6600+ files!) to see if info-box appears anywhere:
> Select-String ./\*.html -Pattern 'info-box'
Nope! All clear! If the string did appear somewhere in the HTML output, I’d have visibility into where. See here for example, using a different string “vertical”:
> Select-String ./\*.html -Pattern 'vertical'
.1E592CD9.html:731: <div class="connector vertical"><span class="end fancy"></span></div>
.1E592CD9.html:753: <div class="connector vertical"><span class="end fancy"></span></div>
.1E592CD9.html:775: <div class="connector vertical"><span class="end fancy"></span></div>
.33A3095E.html:942: <div class="connector vertical"><span class="end fancy"></span></div>
Important Note: CSS IDs or class selectors may not always appear in the scraped HTML output because those attributes can be added after page load by JavaScript. However, since I had previously ran a git grep on the repo (which contains all the theme’s JavaScript), I was more certain that none of my JavaScript was adding an “info-box” class dynamically. There are edge cases, of course, where perhaps the CSS was targeting a class that was added via plugin or other 3rd party script that isn’t included in the repo.
Step 5: Rinse & Repeat Is this daunting? Yes. But, when the website is large, and the company’s business largely depends on stellar SEO and a well-working website, I’m happy to take the bit of extra time necessary to ensure that I’m not removing some important CSS.