Scrape & Debug: A WordPress Plugin

Have you ever found yourself making minor edits to a featured image, or description blurb, and then re-running the URL through Facebook’s Share Debugger, or the Google Rich Results Test?
I have. It got tiring. All that copy/pasting of URLs, tab switching, refreshing. So I created a plugin that made it easier – after installation and choosing which post types you want to be able to check with it, you can click which service you want to run your post/page through, and it opens it up in a new tab and scrapes it. Check out this video to see how it works:
If you try this plugin, please reach out and let me know your thoughts! I’d love to know if it’s helped anyone else. Of course, let me know if you run into issues with it, or open a support ticket on and I’ll get it fixed up ASAP.